Tayyab Gosht | Frozen Meat

Brand Identity

Tayyab Meat is a frozen sea food and beef meat brand from the Middle East. Their initial vision was to penetrate through Q-commerce and find a footing on the electronic shelves of several delivery aggregators in the region. They were looking for an identity that would set them apart and yet would stick close to their Middle Eastern roots. They also needed concepts for giveaways and communication art.

I started by owning my own roots in South Asia and started looking through characters in Arabic and Urdu scripts.

A Brand in Action

It always helps my clients to see how my concepts would work in real life. Since this is a meat brand and will be ultimately consumed in the kitchen, I drew out some concepts that would create a feeling of a high scale restaurant.

Packaging Concept

In our brainstorm sessions, they kept talking about a seal of approval or quality to be there at all times. Hence the red tage that would signify a sealed product.

Icon for Product Lines

Here, they needed something that would work with all of their product lines. So I kept it simple.

Icon set for Product Lines

A custom icon set for each of their product lines.

The Logo Concept

'Tayyab' loosely translates into 'cleanliness'. It is an Arabic word written as 'طيب'. If you notice closely, the first character is pretty close to the 'b' in the logo which is also the icon. This was a lucky accident!